Powered By Modified Charkha, Women Spin Success Stories In Kashmir

A delicate pashmina yarn holds promise for hundreds of women in Kashmir valley. Powered by a modified charkha, over 200 women spinners have ended the year 2022 with doubling their output and income.

The modification in the age-old charkha has changed the life of Shaesta Bilal. Since the income is based on output of spinning, the foot pedal charkha has come to her aid.

In Srinagar's downtown area, women like Shaesta are spinning the finest yarn in the world and modified charkha has given them confidence and self-reliance.

"This (modified charka) has given us the means to make a living so that we are self-reliant. Thank God we are earning more and we are not dependent on anybody. Now I'm not financially dependent on my husband," said Shaesta Bilal.

Ms Shaesta was given a new charkha and training by a pashmina shawl trader in Srinagar a year ago. Since then she has graduated to a resource person for other women.

Over the last one year, more than 200 women have been trained and given modified charkhas. The initiative is part of an effort to protect and preserve the genuine age-old craft of pashmina shawls, which is facing a massive invasion of fake and machine-made shawls.

The government has also started GI (geographical indicator) tagging of Kashmiri shawls to preserve its unique character and value in the market.

Over the years, the number of women spinning pashmina has come down drastically in Kashmir valley, mainly due to low wages and less output on the traditional charkha.

According to Mujtaba Qadri, who owns the training centre for women spinners and equip them with the new charkha, the modifications in the tool were made by Shere-e-Kashmir Agricultural University a few years ago.

"I started training with a few women initially. Once we saw the results that we were able to double the produce, which in turns doubles the income of women, I decided to run this programme," said Mujaba, who runs a family shawl business.

Besides providing modified charkha for free, Mujtaba also give a-15 day training course to women spinners. "From our centre, over 200 women have been trained in the last one year and we have provided them modified charkha as well," he said.

At the centre, Nusrat Begum says life has become a bit easier for her after she was trained to use the new charkha. From squatting on the floor to sitting on a chair, her spinning production has doubled.

"It has helped me a great deal. I used to spin three gram of yarn on the old charkha. Now I can spin six grams," said Ms Begum.

For centuries, the secret behind Kashmir's elegant pashmina shawls is fine spinning by women. It further goes to master artisans for weaving. For making some shawls with intricate work, it takes months and even a year to weave.

While the new charkha helps women spin more and earn more, the wages are still less. For a knot, which is 10 threads of yarn, they are being paid Re 1.5. They want more.

"The charkha is very useful to us. We are thankful to Qadri sahib as he gave us this charkha for free and we are doing very well on it. We work at home and also train others. We requested him if could increase our wages," said Yasmeena.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/cPp3nbJ

Is Sweet Potato Healthy? All You Need To Know About Its Health Benefits

No matter what time of the year it is, you will always find an array of seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables available in the markets. Depending upon the weather and the region you are in - there is going to be something healthy, local and nutritious that you can add to your diet. Sweet potato or shakarkandhi is one such root vegetable that is abundantly available throughout the country during the winter season. The reddish-purple tuber is commonly seen being served as chaat or being used as an ingredient in sabzis etc. But is sweet potato truly healthy? Does its sweet taste mean that it should be eaten in small quantities only? Here we bring to you all you need to know about sweet potato, its nutrition facts, the health benefits of the vegetable and more.

Also Read: Sweet Potato Fries, Shakarkandi Chaat And More: 7 Sweet Potato Snacks You Must Try


Picture Credit: iStock

Nutrition Facts Of Sweet Potato | Shakarkandhi Nutrition:

As per the USDA data, a 100-gram serving of sweet potato contains just 86 calories and 0.1 grams of fat. It has good potassium content and is also enriched with protein and fibre. Sweet potato also contains significant quantities of calcium, magnesium and Vitamin B6 that could meet up to 10% of your dietary needs depending upon the calorie requirements.

Health Benefits Of Sweet Potato | Is Shakarkandhi Healthy?

Dietitians and experts are often asked if shakarkandhi or sweet potato is healthy, and whether it should be consumed as part of the daily diet. According to celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, "The fibrous vegetable is safe for everyone to eat, the ones battling obesity, PCOD, Diabetes especially. It also makes for a great snack and allows for quick recovery from training."

Here Are Some Of The Amazing Health Benefits Of Sweet Potato:

1. Good For Immunity:

Looking for an immunity-boosting winter superfood? Sweet potato is the answer. Carotenoids and anthocyanins in sweet potato protect the body from free radical damage and also help boost immunity. It also protects our skin and improves hair health. "The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ability of sweet potato is not just limited to its carotenoids, it is a great source of anthocyanin, which is most abundant in the purple-coloured variety," said consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta.

2. Manages Diabetes:

Although it may seem that sweet potatoes should be avoided by diabetics, experts argue that this is not the case. Sweet potato is low on the Glycemic Index (GI) and also contains plenty of fibre. Its starchy carbohydrates also delay the release of sugar into the bloodstream. The American Diabetes Association says, "It is a superfood for diabetics. It is a starchy vegetable full of vitamin A and fibre. It is also a good source of vitamin C and potassium."

3. Improves Eye Health:

Thanks to the orange-red hue of sweet potato, we are all well aware that it is abundantly enriched with Vitamin A. Shakarkandhi also contains beta-carotene that protects the eyes against UV damage and prevents macular degeneration.,

4. Facilitates Smooth Digestion:

Keep digestive woes at bay with sweet potato in your diet. According to Rujuta Diwekar, "The minerals and Vitamin B profile in sweet potato will keep the bloating, acidity and constipation away. In a nutshell, if you have drunk too much, slept too little and partied too hard, this is what you should be eating," she wrote on Instagram.

5. Good For Weight Management:

If you are watching your weight, sweet potato is what you should definitely try eating. The low-calorie tuber has a good amount of fibre that facilitates weight loss and keeps you full. Thus, it makes for an excellent snack provided that it is consumed in moderation.

Conclusion: Is Sweet Potato Healthy? Yes Or No:

Sweet potato is loaded with health benefits and makes for a good addition to your winter diet. But just the way it is with other foods, always consume it in moderation and do not pile up excess sweet potato in a bid to get healthy. Always consult a nutritionist before making any major changes to the diet. Stay fit, stay healthy!

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/FUB5EDO

Earthquake Tremors Felt In Delhi, Surrounding Areas

An earthquake of estimated 4.4 magnitude was reported in Delhi and surrounding areas on Sunday morning, the first day of the new year.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/qvL7l9Q

Zomato CEO Decides To Deliver Orders Himself On New Year's Eve

The evening of December 31 is always the busiest for all places with recreational activities, whether they are hotels, restaurants, or any place in the hospitality industry. The number of online food orders also increases at this time.

Since there is so much demand for food delivery services on New Year's Eve, Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal declared he would take a brief break from his office duties to make a few deliveries by himself.

"I'm going to deliver a couple of orders on my own right now. Should be back in an hour or so," Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal tweeted this evening.

After a few minutes, he posts another tweet: "My first delivery brought me back to the Zomato office. Lolwut!"

Along with the post, he tweeted an image of himself in the signature red Zomato uniform with a couple of food boxes in hand.

This is not the first time the Zomato CEO has stepped out to deliver food orders. 

In October, Sanjeev Bikhchandani, founder and executive vice chairman of Naukri.com, revealed in a Twitter post that during one of his recent interactions with Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal, he learned that the entrepreneur delivers orders wearing the company's trademark red t-shirt at least once a quarter.

"Just met @deepigoyal and the @zomato team. Delighted to learn that all senior managers including Deepinder, don a red Zomato tee, get onto a motorcycle, and spend a day delivering orders themselves at least once a quarter. Deepinder tells me that thus far nobody has recognised him," Mr Bikhchandani tweeted.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/Zu2nrgD

Mini Brains To Fusion Energy: Biggest Scientific Breakthroughs Of 2022

The year 2022 has witnessed a number of advancements on many fronts, including politics, sports, movies, technology, and more. This year also saw some exceptionally bright scientific advances that proved to be wonderful for human life.

Let's look at a few of the most significant scientific breakthroughs from this year.

Historic Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Announced

US researchers announced a historic nuclear fusion breakthrough on December 13, hailing a "landmark achievement" in the quest for a source of unlimited, clean power and an end to reliance on fossil fuels. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) said it had used the world's largest laser to create, for the first time, a fusion reaction that replicated the process that powers the sun and generated more energy than it took to produce -- a goal pursued by scientists for decades.

Reversing death: US Scientists Revive Organs in Dead Pigs

Scientists announced that they have restored blood flow and cell function throughout the bodies of pigs that were dead for an hour, in a breakthrough experts say could mean we need to update the definition of death itself. The discovery raised hopes for a range of future medical uses in humans, the most immediate being that it could help organs last longer, potentially saving the lives of thousands of people worldwide in need of transplants.

Lab-grown brain cells learn to play video game Pong

Scientists have grown 800,000 brain cells in a lab that they say have learned to play the 1970s tennis-like video game, Pong. The research, published recently in the journal Neuron, has for the first time shown that brain cells living in a dish can perform goal-directed tasks.

The team, including researchers from Monash University, RMIT University, University College London and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research are now going to find out what happens when their DishBrain is affected by medicines and alcohol.

To conduct the experiment, the researchers took mouse cells from embryonic brains as well as some human brain cells derived from stem cells and grew them on top of microelectrode arrays that could both stimulate them and read their activity.

Microplastics Found In Human Blood For First Time

Tiny particles of plastic, called microplastic - a major source of pollution - have been detected in the human blood for the first time. It was detected in nearly 80 per cent of samples tested by a group of researchers from the Netherlands. The discovery is extremely significant as it shows that microplastic can travel around the body and may lodge in organs.

Men age faster than women

According to a study that published in "The Journals of Gerontology: Series A,", men age more quickly than women do, and by the time they reach their 50s, men's bodies are up to four biological years older than women of the same age.

'Baby' Wormhole

Scientists have long pursued a deeper understanding of wormholes and now appear to be making progress. Researchers announced in December that they forged two miniscule simulated black holes - those extraordinarily dense celestial objects with gravity so powerful that not even light can escape - in a quantum computer and transmitted a message between them through what amounted to a tunnel in space-time.

It was a "baby wormhole," according to Caltech physicist Maria Spiropulu, a co-author of the research published in the journal Nature. But scientists are a long way from being able to send people or other living beings through such a portal, she said.

A wormhole - a rupture in space and time - is considered a bridge between two remote regions in the universe. Scientists refer to them as Einstein-Rosen bridges after the two physicists who described them - Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen.

Such wormholes are consistent with Einstein's theory of general relativity, which focuses on gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the universe. The term "wormhole" was coined by physicist John Wheeler in the 1950s.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/IPqJomE

Covid Deaths Hit 9,000 Per Day In China, Finds UK-Based Firm: Report

Deaths attributed to Covid in China have increased to 9,000 people per day, according to a data firm, reported news.com.au, an Australia-based publication.

The news.com.au report also says, "British-based research firm Airfinity has doubled the number of people it estimates are dying from Covid in China as the number of infections soar. It comes after Beijing lifted draconian zero-Covid health measures in November that had been in place for years."

Protests erupted across China due to the harsh lockdowns after 10 people died in an apartment fire. There were allegations that firefighters were stopped from coming inside the apartment block due to the quarantine orders.

The country reversed its Covid policy due to widespread protests in its nine cities.

"Airfinity said its model was based on data from China's regional provinces before changes to reporting infections were implemented, combined with case growth rates from other former zero-Covid countries when they lifted restrictions," the report said.

The total number of deaths in China linked to Covid in December may hit 100,000, with at least 18.6 million cases. By mid-January, there could be as many as 3.7 million COVID cases in a day. By January 23, a total of 584,000 deaths are expected in China.

According to news.com.au, "Beijing has been accused of withholding health information so it's hard to accurately assess the numbers. However, China's National Health Commission (NHC) last week confirmed that the country's current outbreak is the largest the world has ever seen."

"More than a billion Chinese could be infected with Covid by March. And more than 30 per cent of the population may have already been infected, that is up to 400 million people," according to a The Australian report.

The virus is continuing to spread rapidly in China. Workers, however, are being called to go to work unless they have extreme symptoms.

Since China relaxed its controversial zero-Covid policy last month, the second-largest economy is struggling to deal with the meteoric rise in coronavirus cases throughout the country which is putting a burden on its healthcare system.

British virologist and biologist Jonathan Latham, Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project, said that Beijing is not being open and transparent about case numbers or deaths and that only accurate data can lead to good decisions in China and elsewhere.

"China is not being open and transparent about case numbers or deaths. This is true for many countries though. It would be great to have truly accurate information on those points, however, since only timely and accurate data can lead to good decisions in China and elsewhere. Good data would also test the theory that newer variants such as Omicron have a lower inherent death rate," Latham told ANI.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/X3IxNWs

"Wonder Why...": Ghulam Nabi Azad On Reports Of Return To Congress

Senior politician and chief of the newly-formed Democratic Progressive Azad Party Ghulam Nabi Azad today said there was no move to return to Congress with which he had snapped his 52-year-old association earlier this year.

Talking to PTI, the veteran politician who has been former Union minister and chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, said reports suggesting his return to the grand old party are planted by some vested leaders in the Congress and there was no truth in them.

"I have never spoken to any Congress leader and neither has anyone called me. So I wonder why these kinds of stories are planted in the media," Mr Azad said.

Mr Azad said these attempts were made by the Congress leaders to create a sense of uncertainty within his party cadres and to demoralise them.

"Come whatever may, we will emerge stronger," he said.

Mr Azad, who has served as leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha, said "I have not indulged in any mudslinging with anyone. Whatever I had to say, I made it clear in my resignation letter. After this I am on my own path to serve the people who have given me their trust." 

Asked whether he would be joining the Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo Yatra when it enters Jammu and Kashmir next month, Mr Azad said "I have no such plan. My hands are full with my own work." 

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/bwAsCr1

Delhi Gym Owner Shot Dead In Office, Killers Take Away CCTV Recorder

A gym owner was shot dead in his office by three men in East Delhi's Preet Vihar on Friday, and took the CCTV recorder with them, making the probe more complicated, police said.

The victim, 45-year-old Mahendra Aggarwal, ran a chain of Energy Gym and Spa, and sold gym equipment too. He was in his company headquarters office above one of his gyms around 8 pm when three armed men entered and immediately fired a number of shots at him. A bullet to his head killed him, police said.

While escaping, the killers took away the recording device attached to the CCTV security cameras of the office.

Police are now scanning footage from other CCTV cameras in the area to get clues. A forensics team also inspected the scene of crime.

Police said relatives are being asked if they suspect anyone's involvement or any enmity he had.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/B7OK9Gq

Andrew Tate, Toxic Masculinity Ambassador, Now Arrested: 5 Points

  1. He gained a following online, comprising mainly young men, by advocating for a hyper masculine lifestyle. 
  2. In 2016, he was a contestant on UK reality show Big Brother, and was expelled from the show after a video of him hitting a woman with a belt surfaced online. 
  3. He is a former professional kickboxer. After retiring, he has mainly been active as a businessman and a social media influencer. 
  4. In the past, he has been banned from Twitter, for saying that women should "take responsibility" for being sexually assaulted. He was reinstated after Elon Musk's Twitter takeover. 
  5. He currently has over 3.8 million followers on Twitter, where he regularly encourages his followers to "take the red pill", a reference to the movie "The Matrix". "Taking the red pill" is a common call used by alt right internet users to encourage others to question the status quo.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/ycT5zLC

Sonipat: शहीदी दिवस कार्यक्रम स्थल के बाद चली तलवार और धारदार हथियार, पिता-पुत्र घायल

नेशनल हाईवे-44 पर स्थित बढ़खालसा मेमोरियल परिसर के बाहर हमला किया। दिल्ली के आदर्श नगर के रहने वाले हमलावर बताए जा रहे हैं। पहले से रंजिश चली आ रही थी।

from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In Hindi | अमर उजाला हिंदी न्यूज़ | - Amar Ujala https://ift.tt/9XCugYM

Panipat: दोस्त पत्नी को भगा ले गया, आहत पति ने गला काटकर किया आत्महत्या का प्रयास

पानीपत की एक कॉलोनी का मामला है। हालत गंभीर होने पर पीजीआई रेफर किया गया। उसने आरोप लगाया कि दोस्त अपने अन्य दो साथियों के साथ मिलकर पत्नी को अपने साथ ले गया।

from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In Hindi | अमर उजाला हिंदी न्यूज़ | - Amar Ujala https://ift.tt/q1Qmg8o

Stunning Time-Lapse Video Captures 48 Hours Of Blizzard Impact In US Town

A time-lapse video of 60 seconds showing the effects of a blizzard that covered a US town in snow completely in a 48-hour period is going viral on the internet.

The video begins with a straightforward road, a few automobiles, and a chair on the grass; afterwards, snow begins to fall in the region as a result of the blizzard's monster storm effect. In the second half of the video, the entire area is blanketed in snow, making it challenging to discern what lies beneath the snow.

Watch the video here:

The video has become so extremely viral on the internet that it has received over 3 million views and more than 50,000 likes. Many viewers left comments on this lovely but unsettling video.

Meanwhile, the American National Weather Service predicted that by the weekend, temperatures will rise to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), although officials issued a warning that snowmelt could result in minor floods.

The extreme weather over the weekend sent temperatures below freezing in all mainland US states, including in Texas along the Mexico border, where some arriving migrants have struggled to find shelter.

At one point on Saturday, nearly 1.7 million customers were without electricity in the biting cold, according to the tracker PowerOutage.us.

Road ice and whiteout conditions also led to the temporary closure of some of the nation's busiest transport routes, including part of the cross-country Interstate 70 highway.

The perfect storm of fierce snow squalls, howling wind, and sub-zero temperatures forced the cancellation of thousands of flights in recent days, including around 5,900 on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to tracking site FlightAware.com.

(With inputs from AFP)

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Pele, Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi: Who Is The Greatest Of All Time?

When FIFA declared Pele and Diego Maradona jointly the players of the 20th century, and effectively the best of all time, they side-stepped but did not resolve a heated debate that has grown more complicated as Lionel Messi has dominated the 21st century. Just who is the greatest? Pele, who died on Thursday, and the two Argentines all won the sport's greatest prize -- the World Cup -- and were undoubtedly the kings of their eras.

AFP Sport looks at who is the best between the magical Brazilian, the controversial Maradona, who passed away in November 2020 at the age of 60, and a second Argentine, the twinkling Messi who is still playing:

Triple crown v single titles--

Pele played in four World Cups, winning three times, a record not yet beaten and giving him one more than Maradona and Messi combined. He was just 17 in 1958 when he was world champion in Sweden, scoring six goals, two in the final. Pele was injured in the second match as Brazil won the 1962 World Cup but claimed a third title, and sealed his international reputation, in 1970 as his magical side beat Italy in the Mexico City final.

Maradona, not picked in the squad that won the World Cup at home in 1978 and sent off in a tournament-ending 3-1 loss to Brazil in Spain in 1982, shot to global fame in 1986 for the right and wrong reasons. His infamous 'Hand of God' goal against England was followed by an individual effort voted FIFA's 'Goal of the Century'. He scored twice in the semi-final win over Belgium and supplied the crucial pass in the 3-2 win against West Germany in the final.

After Messi completed his World Cup quest in Qatar this month, the ailing Pele saluted on Instagram: "Messi winning his first World Cup, as his trajectory deserved. Diego is certainly smiling." The Argentine has a complete set of major medals: a World Cup (2022), a Copa America (2021), four Champions Leagues and three Club World Cups as well as a multitude of domestic Spanish and French trophies. 

Number 10 v number 10 v number 10--

All three men wore the No 10 shirt. Pele's role was often described as a "nine and a half", his attacking skills yielding 1,281 goals in 1,363 matches for his clubs, Santos and New York Cosmos, and the Brazilian national team.

Maradona, known as "D10S" (a word play with the number 10 and God in Spanish) played in a free role, more the playmaker, and his career statistics reflect that: 345 goals in 692 matches.

Messi, who plays a variety of attacking positions, has also piled up the goals: 793 in 1,003 professional matches by the end of 2022.

Role model v a rebel and a quiet child--

Pele was the clean-cut hero, scandal-free, honourable, sporting, with a career spent at just two clubs -- Santos (1956-74) and New York Cosmos (1975-77).

Maradona played for six teams, was sent off at the 1982 World Cup, scored with his hand against England in the 1986 tournament, was banned in Spain for fighting on the pitch, and was sent home in disgrace from the 1994 World Cup after failing a drugs test. He also suffered a cocaine addiction.

Messi, the quiet child, resembled Pele in his loyalty to his first club Barcelona until their money troubles allowed Paris Saint-Germain to pry him away in 2021. His difficulties with the Spanish tax authorities and a host of sponsorship deals have not tarnished his image.

Ego wars until they reconciled in 2016, Pele and Maradona sparred over who was the greatest. Pele has a museum. Maradona said Pele belonged "in a museum".

Maradona, who enjoyed showing off his Fidel Castro and Che Guevara tattoos, mocked the Brazilian's respect for authority.

Pele condemned Maradona as "not being an example" to youngsters because of his drug problems.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/qrJlsw0

Watch: A Deer's Face Was Frozen Over Due To Extreme Cold. 2 Hikers Helped

The extreme cold weather dubbed as "blizzard of the century," across many parts of the USA & Canada has inflicted immense misery on millions of people and caused unprecedented fear and chaos. Many other parts of the world are also battling extremely frigid temperatures. Not just humans, but animals too are suffering from nature's wrath. In a recent undated video, a deer was seen with its mouth, eyes & ears completely frozen over due to the severe winter storm. Thankfully, two hikers came to its rescue and helped the poor animal. The exact location of the video is not yet known.

In a video shared on Reddit, two hikers spotted a deer whose face was completely frozen over. It is assumed that the deer was trying to dig for food under the snow with its head, and that's how its face got encased in ice. When the hikers approached the deer, it ran away in fear. However, after a while, the two men got hold of the distressed animal and removed the ice covering its face. The relieved animal was then seen running away. 

Watch the video here:

Reddit users thanked the hikers for saving the life of the deer and hailed their efforts. One user wrote, ''I wonder if humans are the only species who help other animals, out of pure empathy. I'm sure we're not, but I definitely think it's a beautiful part of humanity.'' Another commented, ''poor deer. glad they helped him. winter is rough for animals.''

Many were left wondering how it happened. A user offered an explanation and replied, ''Most likely mild weather with lots of heavy wet snow, digging through said snow for food... Face gets covered with sticky wet snow. Then you get a crazy drop in temp with increase in wind resulting in flash freezing. Said sticky snow on face freezes.'' 

Another commented, ''Probably got caught in a blizzard or just a storm out on a large open field. Sometimes the winds can get stupidly strong and carry snow and ice from the ground. It has a way of clinging to stuff.''

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/p3gCYhe

Trinamool's Saket Gokhale Arrested Again By Gujarat Police: Report

Trinamool Congress spokesperson Saket Gokhale was arrested by Gujarat police from Delhi late Thursday evening in a case of alleged misuse of money he had collected through crowdfunding, said a senior official here.

Gokhale was arrested by the Ahmedabad Cyber Crime Branch and was being brought here for further legal process, said the senior police official, adding that they would arrive by Friday afternoon.

This was for the third time Gokhale was arrested this month by Gujarat Police.

He was first arrested by the Cyber Crime Branch on December 6 for allegedly spreading fake news regarding the cost incurred on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Morbi town following a bridge collapse tragedy.

On December 1, Gokhale had shared a news clipping about information purportedly obtained through the Right to Information claiming that Modi's visit to Morbi after the bridge collapse cost Rs 30 crore.

Soon after he received bail from a court here, the TMC leader was again arrested on December 8 by the Morbi police for the same offence registered there. He was granted bail the next day.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/28E0nTh

Twinkle Khanna's Birthday Celebrations With Akshay, Aarav, Nitara

Twinkle Khanna shared a glimpse of her birthday festivities with her friends and family members. She shared a set of pictures from the celebrations at a lush green location. The first picture features Twinkle with husband Akshay Kumar. The other picture features the birthday girl with Akshay, son Aarav, daughter Nitara and friends. Twinkle captioned the post: "The perfect birthday with all the people I love the most. Thank you for your lovely wishes and here is wishing you all a wonderful new year ahead." She added the hashtag #thefeastinthefields to her post. Bobby Deol, who co-starred with Twinkle in Barsaat, commented "Happy, happy birthday." Malaika Arora added, "Happy birthday my dear Tina."

See Twinkle Khanna's post here:

Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar wished Twinkle Khanna with a fun albeit adorable video of her singing and dancing. He captioned it: "While you may be glad to have missed my live performance the other day, I'm glad I get to witness you and all your madness every single day! But as much as I love you, I really think you should stop singing. And Happy birthday Tina."

This morning, Twinkle Khanna shared a special post for her late father and legendary actor Rajesh Khanna on his birth anniversary. She posted a throwback picture and captioned it: "A bittersweet shared birthday and a lifetime of memories."

Twinkle Khanna is a woman of many hats. She is a celebrated columnist and the author of Pyjamas Are Forgiving, The Legend Of Lakshmi Prasad and Mrs Funnybones - all of which were best-sellers. Twinkle is also an interior decorator, the owner of The White Window, and a film producer. Her last project as a film producer was the National Award-winning film PadMan, which starred her husband Akshay Kumar in the lead role. She also runs a digital content company called Tweak India.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/bE2sNu8

Haryana: छेड़छाड़ के आरोप में घिरे खेल मंत्री संदीप सिंह, आवास पर बुलाकर गलत व्यवहार का आरोप

महिला कोच ने इनेलो दफ्तर में कहा कि मंत्री ने आवास पर बुलाकर गलत व्यवहार किया है। मंत्री ने आरोप को निराधर बताते हुए कहा कि तबादले की वजह से महिला यह सब कर रही है।

from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In Hindi | अमर उजाला हिंदी न्यूज़ | - Amar Ujala https://ift.tt/uLynCSW

At Anant Ambani's Engagement Party, Ranbir-Alia Lead Celeb Roll Call

Mukesh Ambani is hosting Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's engagement party at his house Antilia in Mumbai. Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor and Ayan Mukerji led the celeb roll call. Shah Rukh Khan arrived with his manager Pooja Dadlani, while Alia and Ranbir were pictured arriving with Ayan. Ranbir looked dashing in a black kurta pyjama set, while Alia looked beautiful in a greet suit. Janhvi Kapoor looked pretty in a pink saree. Check out the pictures below:  


The newly engaged couple, Anant and Radhika, was also pictured arriving at their house. For the occasion, Anant opted for a maroon ensemble, while Radhika looked pretty in a peach suit set. 

Check out the pictures below: 


Mukesh Ambani's younger son Anant Ambani today got engaged to his childhood friend Radhika Merchant (the daughter of industrialist Viren Merchant, CEO of a pharmaceutical manufacturing company). The couple had a traditional Roka ceremony at the Shrinathji Temple in Nathdwara, Rajasthan.


from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/xw9tYJE

Shilpa And Shamita Shetty's New Pic Is All About "Love" And "Back Up"

Shamita Shetty has treated her Insta family to an adorable picture with her sister Shilpa Shetty. The sisters, who are having the time of their lives in London with their family, are happily posing for the camera. In the image, Shilpa looked pretty in a white turtle neck sweater paired with a black and brown checkered jacket, while Shamita can be seen in a beige turtle neck sweater layered with a black jacket. Sharing the post, she wrote, "Sisters ... means you always have back up," followed by a heart emoticon. 

Soon after Shamita shared the post, Shilpa was quick to comment, "Mine." Check out the post below: 

Shetty sisters are goals and often share adorable pictures with each other on their respective Instagram profiles. A few weeks ago, Shilpa shared a hilarious video on her Instagram handle and captioned it as "Reel ki feel thi Lekin lyric ka lip-sync nahin tha." Check out the post below: 

Meanwhile, they are busy holidaying in London and keep their Insta family updated by sharing pictures and videos. 

On Christmas, Shilpa shared a video in which she along with her husband Raj Kundra, kids Viaan and Samisha, mom Sunanda Shetty and sister Shamita, can be seen celebrating the festival. In the caption, she wrote, "The best kind of Christmas is celebrating and spending this precious time with family at home and this year is special as it's a first for Samisha. All I wish is to keep the child within us alive... always." 

Here have a look: 

Check out more posts from their London diaries below: 

On the work front, Shilpa Shetty will be next seen in Rohit Shetty's web series Indian Police Force.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/Ms5ygVG

Karnal: सोशल मीडिया पर की दोस्ती, हनी ट्रैप में फंसा बुलाया घर, वीडियो बना ऐंठे रुपये, महिला समेत तीन गिरफ्तार

आरोपी एक लाख रुपये देने के बाद भी नहीं माने। महिला समेत तीन गिरफ्तार हुए हैं। महिला का पति भाग निकला। रामनगर थाने में आरोपियों के खिलाफ रिपोर्ट दर्ज की गई है।

from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In Hindi | अमर उजाला हिंदी न्यूज़ | - Amar Ujala https://ift.tt/meqIsw9

Man Forgets Wife After Toilet Break During Road Trip, She Walks 20 Km

In an epic act of forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, a man in Thailand accidentally left his wife behind during a road trip, forcing her to walk over 12 miles (19.31 km). According to a New York Post report, Boontom Chaimoon, 55, and his wife, Amnuay Chaimoon, 49, took a road trip on Sunday to spend the holidays in her hometown in the Maha Sarakham Province. The couple was having a nice time together until the husband felt the need to relieve himself. He parked his car by the roadside at 3 am to take a quick toilet break.

Meanwhile, with no public toilets around, the woman also stepped out of the car and ventured into a nearby jungle to pee. However, the man did not notice her getting out of the vehicle. When she returned, there was no sight of the car or her husband. She soon realised her husband had left without her, leaving her stranded. More so, she did not have her mobile phone with her as it was kept in a bag inside the car. Since it was dark, the woman was extremely scared and confused, but she decided to walk to seek help.

She walked about 20 km (approximately 12.4 miles) and reached the district of Kabin Buri by 5 am. Thankfully, she was able to contact the local police who asked her to ring her husband. Since she did not remember her husband's mobile number, she dialed her own number at least 20 times but did not receive any response. 

At around 8 am, she was able to contact her husband with the help of cops. All this while, the husband had no clue that his wife was not in the car, and was under the impression that she was soundly asleep in the backseat. By that time, he had driven all the way to Korat province, 159.6 km (100 miles) away, according to Thailand news site Daily News.

When he realized what transpired, he quickly turned around to drive back to pick up his spouse. He was extremely sorry about his action and apologized to his wife profusely. Turns out, even after going through such an ordeal, the woman did not argue with him when he picked her up. The woman revealed that they have been married for the last 27 years and have a son who is 26 years old.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/YIkM2QJ

Watch: Teacher Joins Student For Epic 'UP Wala Thumka' Dance, Wins Internet

A video featuring a student and his teacher dancing to the classic Bollywood song "UP Wala Thumka" by Govinda has gone viral, capt...

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Powered By Modified Charkha, Women Spin Success Stories In Kashmir

A delicate pashmina yarn holds promise for hundreds of women in Kashmir valley. Powered by a modified charkha, over 200 women spinners have ended the year 2022 with doubling their output and income.

The modification in the age-old charkha has changed the life of Shaesta Bilal. Since the income is based on output of spinning, the foot pedal charkha has come to her aid.

In Srinagar's downtown area, women like Shaesta are spinning the finest yarn in the world and modified charkha has given them confidence and self-reliance.

"This (modified charka) has given us the means to make a living so that we are self-reliant. Thank God we are earning more and we are not dependent on anybody. Now I'm not financially dependent on my husband," said Shaesta Bilal.

Ms Shaesta was given a new charkha and training by a pashmina shawl trader in Srinagar a year ago. Since then she has graduated to a resource person for other women.

Over the last one year, more than 200 women have been trained and given modified charkhas. The initiative is part of an effort to protect and preserve the genuine age-old craft of pashmina shawls, which is facing a massive invasion of fake and machine-made shawls.

The government has also started GI (geographical indicator) tagging of Kashmiri shawls to preserve its unique character and value in the market.

Over the years, the number of women spinning pashmina has come down drastically in Kashmir valley, mainly due to low wages and less output on the traditional charkha.

According to Mujtaba Qadri, who owns the training centre for women spinners and equip them with the new charkha, the modifications in the tool were made by Shere-e-Kashmir Agricultural University a few years ago.

"I started training with a few women initially. Once we saw the results that we were able to double the produce, which in turns doubles the income of women, I decided to run this programme," said Mujaba, who runs a family shawl business.

Besides providing modified charkha for free, Mujtaba also give a-15 day training course to women spinners. "From our centre, over 200 women have been trained in the last one year and we have provided them modified charkha as well," he said.

At the centre, Nusrat Begum says life has become a bit easier for her after she was trained to use the new charkha. From squatting on the floor to sitting on a chair, her spinning production has doubled.

"It has helped me a great deal. I used to spin three gram of yarn on the old charkha. Now I can spin six grams," said Ms Begum.

For centuries, the secret behind Kashmir's elegant pashmina shawls is fine spinning by women. It further goes to master artisans for weaving. For making some shawls with intricate work, it takes months and even a year to weave.

While the new charkha helps women spin more and earn more, the wages are still less. For a knot, which is 10 threads of yarn, they are being paid Re 1.5. They want more.

"The charkha is very useful to us. We are thankful to Qadri sahib as he gave us this charkha for free and we are doing very well on it. We work at home and also train others. We requested him if could increase our wages," said Yasmeena.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/cPp3nbJ

Is Sweet Potato Healthy? All You Need To Know About Its Health Benefits

No matter what time of the year it is, you will always find an array of seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables available in the markets. Depending upon the weather and the region you are in - there is going to be something healthy, local and nutritious that you can add to your diet. Sweet potato or shakarkandhi is one such root vegetable that is abundantly available throughout the country during the winter season. The reddish-purple tuber is commonly seen being served as chaat or being used as an ingredient in sabzis etc. But is sweet potato truly healthy? Does its sweet taste mean that it should be eaten in small quantities only? Here we bring to you all you need to know about sweet potato, its nutrition facts, the health benefits of the vegetable and more.

Also Read: Sweet Potato Fries, Shakarkandi Chaat And More: 7 Sweet Potato Snacks You Must Try


Picture Credit: iStock

Nutrition Facts Of Sweet Potato | Shakarkandhi Nutrition:

As per the USDA data, a 100-gram serving of sweet potato contains just 86 calories and 0.1 grams of fat. It has good potassium content and is also enriched with protein and fibre. Sweet potato also contains significant quantities of calcium, magnesium and Vitamin B6 that could meet up to 10% of your dietary needs depending upon the calorie requirements.

Health Benefits Of Sweet Potato | Is Shakarkandhi Healthy?

Dietitians and experts are often asked if shakarkandhi or sweet potato is healthy, and whether it should be consumed as part of the daily diet. According to celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, "The fibrous vegetable is safe for everyone to eat, the ones battling obesity, PCOD, Diabetes especially. It also makes for a great snack and allows for quick recovery from training."

Here Are Some Of The Amazing Health Benefits Of Sweet Potato:

1. Good For Immunity:

Looking for an immunity-boosting winter superfood? Sweet potato is the answer. Carotenoids and anthocyanins in sweet potato protect the body from free radical damage and also help boost immunity. It also protects our skin and improves hair health. "The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ability of sweet potato is not just limited to its carotenoids, it is a great source of anthocyanin, which is most abundant in the purple-coloured variety," said consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta.

2. Manages Diabetes:

Although it may seem that sweet potatoes should be avoided by diabetics, experts argue that this is not the case. Sweet potato is low on the Glycemic Index (GI) and also contains plenty of fibre. Its starchy carbohydrates also delay the release of sugar into the bloodstream. The American Diabetes Association says, "It is a superfood for diabetics. It is a starchy vegetable full of vitamin A and fibre. It is also a good source of vitamin C and potassium."

3. Improves Eye Health:

Thanks to the orange-red hue of sweet potato, we are all well aware that it is abundantly enriched with Vitamin A. Shakarkandhi also contains beta-carotene that protects the eyes against UV damage and prevents macular degeneration.,

4. Facilitates Smooth Digestion:

Keep digestive woes at bay with sweet potato in your diet. According to Rujuta Diwekar, "The minerals and Vitamin B profile in sweet potato will keep the bloating, acidity and constipation away. In a nutshell, if you have drunk too much, slept too little and partied too hard, this is what you should be eating," she wrote on Instagram.

5. Good For Weight Management:

If you are watching your weight, sweet potato is what you should definitely try eating. The low-calorie tuber has a good amount of fibre that facilitates weight loss and keeps you full. Thus, it makes for an excellent snack provided that it is consumed in moderation.

Conclusion: Is Sweet Potato Healthy? Yes Or No:

Sweet potato is loaded with health benefits and makes for a good addition to your winter diet. But just the way it is with other foods, always consume it in moderation and do not pile up excess sweet potato in a bid to get healthy. Always consult a nutritionist before making any major changes to the diet. Stay fit, stay healthy!

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/FUB5EDO

Earthquake Tremors Felt In Delhi, Surrounding Areas

An earthquake of estimated 4.4 magnitude was reported in Delhi and surrounding areas on Sunday morning, the first day of the new year.

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Zomato CEO Decides To Deliver Orders Himself On New Year's Eve

The evening of December 31 is always the busiest for all places with recreational activities, whether they are hotels, restaurants, or any place in the hospitality industry. The number of online food orders also increases at this time.

Since there is so much demand for food delivery services on New Year's Eve, Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal declared he would take a brief break from his office duties to make a few deliveries by himself.

"I'm going to deliver a couple of orders on my own right now. Should be back in an hour or so," Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal tweeted this evening.

After a few minutes, he posts another tweet: "My first delivery brought me back to the Zomato office. Lolwut!"

Along with the post, he tweeted an image of himself in the signature red Zomato uniform with a couple of food boxes in hand.

This is not the first time the Zomato CEO has stepped out to deliver food orders. 

In October, Sanjeev Bikhchandani, founder and executive vice chairman of Naukri.com, revealed in a Twitter post that during one of his recent interactions with Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal, he learned that the entrepreneur delivers orders wearing the company's trademark red t-shirt at least once a quarter.

"Just met @deepigoyal and the @zomato team. Delighted to learn that all senior managers including Deepinder, don a red Zomato tee, get onto a motorcycle, and spend a day delivering orders themselves at least once a quarter. Deepinder tells me that thus far nobody has recognised him," Mr Bikhchandani tweeted.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/Zu2nrgD

Mini Brains To Fusion Energy: Biggest Scientific Breakthroughs Of 2022

The year 2022 has witnessed a number of advancements on many fronts, including politics, sports, movies, technology, and more. This year also saw some exceptionally bright scientific advances that proved to be wonderful for human life.

Let's look at a few of the most significant scientific breakthroughs from this year.

Historic Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Announced

US researchers announced a historic nuclear fusion breakthrough on December 13, hailing a "landmark achievement" in the quest for a source of unlimited, clean power and an end to reliance on fossil fuels. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) said it had used the world's largest laser to create, for the first time, a fusion reaction that replicated the process that powers the sun and generated more energy than it took to produce -- a goal pursued by scientists for decades.

Reversing death: US Scientists Revive Organs in Dead Pigs

Scientists announced that they have restored blood flow and cell function throughout the bodies of pigs that were dead for an hour, in a breakthrough experts say could mean we need to update the definition of death itself. The discovery raised hopes for a range of future medical uses in humans, the most immediate being that it could help organs last longer, potentially saving the lives of thousands of people worldwide in need of transplants.

Lab-grown brain cells learn to play video game Pong

Scientists have grown 800,000 brain cells in a lab that they say have learned to play the 1970s tennis-like video game, Pong. The research, published recently in the journal Neuron, has for the first time shown that brain cells living in a dish can perform goal-directed tasks.

The team, including researchers from Monash University, RMIT University, University College London and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research are now going to find out what happens when their DishBrain is affected by medicines and alcohol.

To conduct the experiment, the researchers took mouse cells from embryonic brains as well as some human brain cells derived from stem cells and grew them on top of microelectrode arrays that could both stimulate them and read their activity.

Microplastics Found In Human Blood For First Time

Tiny particles of plastic, called microplastic - a major source of pollution - have been detected in the human blood for the first time. It was detected in nearly 80 per cent of samples tested by a group of researchers from the Netherlands. The discovery is extremely significant as it shows that microplastic can travel around the body and may lodge in organs.

Men age faster than women

According to a study that published in "The Journals of Gerontology: Series A,", men age more quickly than women do, and by the time they reach their 50s, men's bodies are up to four biological years older than women of the same age.

'Baby' Wormhole

Scientists have long pursued a deeper understanding of wormholes and now appear to be making progress. Researchers announced in December that they forged two miniscule simulated black holes - those extraordinarily dense celestial objects with gravity so powerful that not even light can escape - in a quantum computer and transmitted a message between them through what amounted to a tunnel in space-time.

It was a "baby wormhole," according to Caltech physicist Maria Spiropulu, a co-author of the research published in the journal Nature. But scientists are a long way from being able to send people or other living beings through such a portal, she said.

A wormhole - a rupture in space and time - is considered a bridge between two remote regions in the universe. Scientists refer to them as Einstein-Rosen bridges after the two physicists who described them - Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen.

Such wormholes are consistent with Einstein's theory of general relativity, which focuses on gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the universe. The term "wormhole" was coined by physicist John Wheeler in the 1950s.

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Covid Deaths Hit 9,000 Per Day In China, Finds UK-Based Firm: Report

Deaths attributed to Covid in China have increased to 9,000 people per day, according to a data firm, reported news.com.au, an Australia-based publication.

The news.com.au report also says, "British-based research firm Airfinity has doubled the number of people it estimates are dying from Covid in China as the number of infections soar. It comes after Beijing lifted draconian zero-Covid health measures in November that had been in place for years."

Protests erupted across China due to the harsh lockdowns after 10 people died in an apartment fire. There were allegations that firefighters were stopped from coming inside the apartment block due to the quarantine orders.

The country reversed its Covid policy due to widespread protests in its nine cities.

"Airfinity said its model was based on data from China's regional provinces before changes to reporting infections were implemented, combined with case growth rates from other former zero-Covid countries when they lifted restrictions," the report said.

The total number of deaths in China linked to Covid in December may hit 100,000, with at least 18.6 million cases. By mid-January, there could be as many as 3.7 million COVID cases in a day. By January 23, a total of 584,000 deaths are expected in China.

According to news.com.au, "Beijing has been accused of withholding health information so it's hard to accurately assess the numbers. However, China's National Health Commission (NHC) last week confirmed that the country's current outbreak is the largest the world has ever seen."

"More than a billion Chinese could be infected with Covid by March. And more than 30 per cent of the population may have already been infected, that is up to 400 million people," according to a The Australian report.

The virus is continuing to spread rapidly in China. Workers, however, are being called to go to work unless they have extreme symptoms.

Since China relaxed its controversial zero-Covid policy last month, the second-largest economy is struggling to deal with the meteoric rise in coronavirus cases throughout the country which is putting a burden on its healthcare system.

British virologist and biologist Jonathan Latham, Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project, said that Beijing is not being open and transparent about case numbers or deaths and that only accurate data can lead to good decisions in China and elsewhere.

"China is not being open and transparent about case numbers or deaths. This is true for many countries though. It would be great to have truly accurate information on those points, however, since only timely and accurate data can lead to good decisions in China and elsewhere. Good data would also test the theory that newer variants such as Omicron have a lower inherent death rate," Latham told ANI.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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"Wonder Why...": Ghulam Nabi Azad On Reports Of Return To Congress

Senior politician and chief of the newly-formed Democratic Progressive Azad Party Ghulam Nabi Azad today said there was no move to return to Congress with which he had snapped his 52-year-old association earlier this year.

Talking to PTI, the veteran politician who has been former Union minister and chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, said reports suggesting his return to the grand old party are planted by some vested leaders in the Congress and there was no truth in them.

"I have never spoken to any Congress leader and neither has anyone called me. So I wonder why these kinds of stories are planted in the media," Mr Azad said.

Mr Azad said these attempts were made by the Congress leaders to create a sense of uncertainty within his party cadres and to demoralise them.

"Come whatever may, we will emerge stronger," he said.

Mr Azad, who has served as leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha, said "I have not indulged in any mudslinging with anyone. Whatever I had to say, I made it clear in my resignation letter. After this I am on my own path to serve the people who have given me their trust." 

Asked whether he would be joining the Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo Yatra when it enters Jammu and Kashmir next month, Mr Azad said "I have no such plan. My hands are full with my own work." 

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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Delhi Gym Owner Shot Dead In Office, Killers Take Away CCTV Recorder

A gym owner was shot dead in his office by three men in East Delhi's Preet Vihar on Friday, and took the CCTV recorder with them, making the probe more complicated, police said.

The victim, 45-year-old Mahendra Aggarwal, ran a chain of Energy Gym and Spa, and sold gym equipment too. He was in his company headquarters office above one of his gyms around 8 pm when three armed men entered and immediately fired a number of shots at him. A bullet to his head killed him, police said.

While escaping, the killers took away the recording device attached to the CCTV security cameras of the office.

Police are now scanning footage from other CCTV cameras in the area to get clues. A forensics team also inspected the scene of crime.

Police said relatives are being asked if they suspect anyone's involvement or any enmity he had.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/B7OK9Gq

Andrew Tate, Toxic Masculinity Ambassador, Now Arrested: 5 Points

  1. He gained a following online, comprising mainly young men, by advocating for a hyper masculine lifestyle. 
  2. In 2016, he was a contestant on UK reality show Big Brother, and was expelled from the show after a video of him hitting a woman with a belt surfaced online. 
  3. He is a former professional kickboxer. After retiring, he has mainly been active as a businessman and a social media influencer. 
  4. In the past, he has been banned from Twitter, for saying that women should "take responsibility" for being sexually assaulted. He was reinstated after Elon Musk's Twitter takeover. 
  5. He currently has over 3.8 million followers on Twitter, where he regularly encourages his followers to "take the red pill", a reference to the movie "The Matrix". "Taking the red pill" is a common call used by alt right internet users to encourage others to question the status quo.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/ycT5zLC

Sonipat: शहीदी दिवस कार्यक्रम स्थल के बाद चली तलवार और धारदार हथियार, पिता-पुत्र घायल

नेशनल हाईवे-44 पर स्थित बढ़खालसा मेमोरियल परिसर के बाहर हमला किया। दिल्ली के आदर्श नगर के रहने वाले हमलावर बताए जा रहे हैं। पहले से रंजिश चली आ रही थी।

from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In Hindi | अमर उजाला हिंदी न्यूज़ | - Amar Ujala https://ift.tt/9XCugYM

Panipat: दोस्त पत्नी को भगा ले गया, आहत पति ने गला काटकर किया आत्महत्या का प्रयास

पानीपत की एक कॉलोनी का मामला है। हालत गंभीर होने पर पीजीआई रेफर किया गया। उसने आरोप लगाया कि दोस्त अपने अन्य दो साथियों के साथ मिलकर पत्नी को अपने साथ ले गया।

from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In Hindi | अमर उजाला हिंदी न्यूज़ | - Amar Ujala https://ift.tt/q1Qmg8o

Stunning Time-Lapse Video Captures 48 Hours Of Blizzard Impact In US Town

A time-lapse video of 60 seconds showing the effects of a blizzard that covered a US town in snow completely in a 48-hour period is going viral on the internet.

The video begins with a straightforward road, a few automobiles, and a chair on the grass; afterwards, snow begins to fall in the region as a result of the blizzard's monster storm effect. In the second half of the video, the entire area is blanketed in snow, making it challenging to discern what lies beneath the snow.

Watch the video here:

The video has become so extremely viral on the internet that it has received over 3 million views and more than 50,000 likes. Many viewers left comments on this lovely but unsettling video.

Meanwhile, the American National Weather Service predicted that by the weekend, temperatures will rise to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), although officials issued a warning that snowmelt could result in minor floods.

The extreme weather over the weekend sent temperatures below freezing in all mainland US states, including in Texas along the Mexico border, where some arriving migrants have struggled to find shelter.

At one point on Saturday, nearly 1.7 million customers were without electricity in the biting cold, according to the tracker PowerOutage.us.

Road ice and whiteout conditions also led to the temporary closure of some of the nation's busiest transport routes, including part of the cross-country Interstate 70 highway.

The perfect storm of fierce snow squalls, howling wind, and sub-zero temperatures forced the cancellation of thousands of flights in recent days, including around 5,900 on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to tracking site FlightAware.com.

(With inputs from AFP)

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/q9sb3yi

Pele, Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi: Who Is The Greatest Of All Time?

When FIFA declared Pele and Diego Maradona jointly the players of the 20th century, and effectively the best of all time, they side-stepped but did not resolve a heated debate that has grown more complicated as Lionel Messi has dominated the 21st century. Just who is the greatest? Pele, who died on Thursday, and the two Argentines all won the sport's greatest prize -- the World Cup -- and were undoubtedly the kings of their eras.

AFP Sport looks at who is the best between the magical Brazilian, the controversial Maradona, who passed away in November 2020 at the age of 60, and a second Argentine, the twinkling Messi who is still playing:

Triple crown v single titles--

Pele played in four World Cups, winning three times, a record not yet beaten and giving him one more than Maradona and Messi combined. He was just 17 in 1958 when he was world champion in Sweden, scoring six goals, two in the final. Pele was injured in the second match as Brazil won the 1962 World Cup but claimed a third title, and sealed his international reputation, in 1970 as his magical side beat Italy in the Mexico City final.

Maradona, not picked in the squad that won the World Cup at home in 1978 and sent off in a tournament-ending 3-1 loss to Brazil in Spain in 1982, shot to global fame in 1986 for the right and wrong reasons. His infamous 'Hand of God' goal against England was followed by an individual effort voted FIFA's 'Goal of the Century'. He scored twice in the semi-final win over Belgium and supplied the crucial pass in the 3-2 win against West Germany in the final.

After Messi completed his World Cup quest in Qatar this month, the ailing Pele saluted on Instagram: "Messi winning his first World Cup, as his trajectory deserved. Diego is certainly smiling." The Argentine has a complete set of major medals: a World Cup (2022), a Copa America (2021), four Champions Leagues and three Club World Cups as well as a multitude of domestic Spanish and French trophies. 

Number 10 v number 10 v number 10--

All three men wore the No 10 shirt. Pele's role was often described as a "nine and a half", his attacking skills yielding 1,281 goals in 1,363 matches for his clubs, Santos and New York Cosmos, and the Brazilian national team.

Maradona, known as "D10S" (a word play with the number 10 and God in Spanish) played in a free role, more the playmaker, and his career statistics reflect that: 345 goals in 692 matches.

Messi, who plays a variety of attacking positions, has also piled up the goals: 793 in 1,003 professional matches by the end of 2022.

Role model v a rebel and a quiet child--

Pele was the clean-cut hero, scandal-free, honourable, sporting, with a career spent at just two clubs -- Santos (1956-74) and New York Cosmos (1975-77).

Maradona played for six teams, was sent off at the 1982 World Cup, scored with his hand against England in the 1986 tournament, was banned in Spain for fighting on the pitch, and was sent home in disgrace from the 1994 World Cup after failing a drugs test. He also suffered a cocaine addiction.

Messi, the quiet child, resembled Pele in his loyalty to his first club Barcelona until their money troubles allowed Paris Saint-Germain to pry him away in 2021. His difficulties with the Spanish tax authorities and a host of sponsorship deals have not tarnished his image.

Ego wars until they reconciled in 2016, Pele and Maradona sparred over who was the greatest. Pele has a museum. Maradona said Pele belonged "in a museum".

Maradona, who enjoyed showing off his Fidel Castro and Che Guevara tattoos, mocked the Brazilian's respect for authority.

Pele condemned Maradona as "not being an example" to youngsters because of his drug problems.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/qrJlsw0

Watch: A Deer's Face Was Frozen Over Due To Extreme Cold. 2 Hikers Helped

The extreme cold weather dubbed as "blizzard of the century," across many parts of the USA & Canada has inflicted immense misery on millions of people and caused unprecedented fear and chaos. Many other parts of the world are also battling extremely frigid temperatures. Not just humans, but animals too are suffering from nature's wrath. In a recent undated video, a deer was seen with its mouth, eyes & ears completely frozen over due to the severe winter storm. Thankfully, two hikers came to its rescue and helped the poor animal. The exact location of the video is not yet known.

In a video shared on Reddit, two hikers spotted a deer whose face was completely frozen over. It is assumed that the deer was trying to dig for food under the snow with its head, and that's how its face got encased in ice. When the hikers approached the deer, it ran away in fear. However, after a while, the two men got hold of the distressed animal and removed the ice covering its face. The relieved animal was then seen running away. 

Watch the video here:

Reddit users thanked the hikers for saving the life of the deer and hailed their efforts. One user wrote, ''I wonder if humans are the only species who help other animals, out of pure empathy. I'm sure we're not, but I definitely think it's a beautiful part of humanity.'' Another commented, ''poor deer. glad they helped him. winter is rough for animals.''

Many were left wondering how it happened. A user offered an explanation and replied, ''Most likely mild weather with lots of heavy wet snow, digging through said snow for food... Face gets covered with sticky wet snow. Then you get a crazy drop in temp with increase in wind resulting in flash freezing. Said sticky snow on face freezes.'' 

Another commented, ''Probably got caught in a blizzard or just a storm out on a large open field. Sometimes the winds can get stupidly strong and carry snow and ice from the ground. It has a way of clinging to stuff.''

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/p3gCYhe

Trinamool's Saket Gokhale Arrested Again By Gujarat Police: Report

Trinamool Congress spokesperson Saket Gokhale was arrested by Gujarat police from Delhi late Thursday evening in a case of alleged misuse of money he had collected through crowdfunding, said a senior official here.

Gokhale was arrested by the Ahmedabad Cyber Crime Branch and was being brought here for further legal process, said the senior police official, adding that they would arrive by Friday afternoon.

This was for the third time Gokhale was arrested this month by Gujarat Police.

He was first arrested by the Cyber Crime Branch on December 6 for allegedly spreading fake news regarding the cost incurred on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Morbi town following a bridge collapse tragedy.

On December 1, Gokhale had shared a news clipping about information purportedly obtained through the Right to Information claiming that Modi's visit to Morbi after the bridge collapse cost Rs 30 crore.

Soon after he received bail from a court here, the TMC leader was again arrested on December 8 by the Morbi police for the same offence registered there. He was granted bail the next day.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/28E0nTh

Twinkle Khanna's Birthday Celebrations With Akshay, Aarav, Nitara

Twinkle Khanna shared a glimpse of her birthday festivities with her friends and family members. She shared a set of pictures from the celebrations at a lush green location. The first picture features Twinkle with husband Akshay Kumar. The other picture features the birthday girl with Akshay, son Aarav, daughter Nitara and friends. Twinkle captioned the post: "The perfect birthday with all the people I love the most. Thank you for your lovely wishes and here is wishing you all a wonderful new year ahead." She added the hashtag #thefeastinthefields to her post. Bobby Deol, who co-starred with Twinkle in Barsaat, commented "Happy, happy birthday." Malaika Arora added, "Happy birthday my dear Tina."

See Twinkle Khanna's post here:

Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar wished Twinkle Khanna with a fun albeit adorable video of her singing and dancing. He captioned it: "While you may be glad to have missed my live performance the other day, I'm glad I get to witness you and all your madness every single day! But as much as I love you, I really think you should stop singing. And Happy birthday Tina."

This morning, Twinkle Khanna shared a special post for her late father and legendary actor Rajesh Khanna on his birth anniversary. She posted a throwback picture and captioned it: "A bittersweet shared birthday and a lifetime of memories."

Twinkle Khanna is a woman of many hats. She is a celebrated columnist and the author of Pyjamas Are Forgiving, The Legend Of Lakshmi Prasad and Mrs Funnybones - all of which were best-sellers. Twinkle is also an interior decorator, the owner of The White Window, and a film producer. Her last project as a film producer was the National Award-winning film PadMan, which starred her husband Akshay Kumar in the lead role. She also runs a digital content company called Tweak India.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/bE2sNu8

Haryana: छेड़छाड़ के आरोप में घिरे खेल मंत्री संदीप सिंह, आवास पर बुलाकर गलत व्यवहार का आरोप

महिला कोच ने इनेलो दफ्तर में कहा कि मंत्री ने आवास पर बुलाकर गलत व्यवहार किया है। मंत्री ने आरोप को निराधर बताते हुए कहा कि तबादले की वजह से महिला यह सब कर रही है।

from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In Hindi | अमर उजाला हिंदी न्यूज़ | - Amar Ujala https://ift.tt/uLynCSW

At Anant Ambani's Engagement Party, Ranbir-Alia Lead Celeb Roll Call

Mukesh Ambani is hosting Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's engagement party at his house Antilia in Mumbai. Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor and Ayan Mukerji led the celeb roll call. Shah Rukh Khan arrived with his manager Pooja Dadlani, while Alia and Ranbir were pictured arriving with Ayan. Ranbir looked dashing in a black kurta pyjama set, while Alia looked beautiful in a greet suit. Janhvi Kapoor looked pretty in a pink saree. Check out the pictures below:  


The newly engaged couple, Anant and Radhika, was also pictured arriving at their house. For the occasion, Anant opted for a maroon ensemble, while Radhika looked pretty in a peach suit set. 

Check out the pictures below: 


Mukesh Ambani's younger son Anant Ambani today got engaged to his childhood friend Radhika Merchant (the daughter of industrialist Viren Merchant, CEO of a pharmaceutical manufacturing company). The couple had a traditional Roka ceremony at the Shrinathji Temple in Nathdwara, Rajasthan.


from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/xw9tYJE

Shilpa And Shamita Shetty's New Pic Is All About "Love" And "Back Up"

Shamita Shetty has treated her Insta family to an adorable picture with her sister Shilpa Shetty. The sisters, who are having the time of their lives in London with their family, are happily posing for the camera. In the image, Shilpa looked pretty in a white turtle neck sweater paired with a black and brown checkered jacket, while Shamita can be seen in a beige turtle neck sweater layered with a black jacket. Sharing the post, she wrote, "Sisters ... means you always have back up," followed by a heart emoticon. 

Soon after Shamita shared the post, Shilpa was quick to comment, "Mine." Check out the post below: 

Shetty sisters are goals and often share adorable pictures with each other on their respective Instagram profiles. A few weeks ago, Shilpa shared a hilarious video on her Instagram handle and captioned it as "Reel ki feel thi Lekin lyric ka lip-sync nahin tha." Check out the post below: 

Meanwhile, they are busy holidaying in London and keep their Insta family updated by sharing pictures and videos. 

On Christmas, Shilpa shared a video in which she along with her husband Raj Kundra, kids Viaan and Samisha, mom Sunanda Shetty and sister Shamita, can be seen celebrating the festival. In the caption, she wrote, "The best kind of Christmas is celebrating and spending this precious time with family at home and this year is special as it's a first for Samisha. All I wish is to keep the child within us alive... always." 

Here have a look: 

Check out more posts from their London diaries below: 

On the work front, Shilpa Shetty will be next seen in Rohit Shetty's web series Indian Police Force.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/Ms5ygVG

Karnal: सोशल मीडिया पर की दोस्ती, हनी ट्रैप में फंसा बुलाया घर, वीडियो बना ऐंठे रुपये, महिला समेत तीन गिरफ्तार

आरोपी एक लाख रुपये देने के बाद भी नहीं माने। महिला समेत तीन गिरफ्तार हुए हैं। महिला का पति भाग निकला। रामनगर थाने में आरोपियों के खिलाफ रिपोर्ट दर्ज की गई है।

from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In Hindi | अमर उजाला हिंदी न्यूज़ | - Amar Ujala https://ift.tt/meqIsw9

Man Forgets Wife After Toilet Break During Road Trip, She Walks 20 Km

In an epic act of forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, a man in Thailand accidentally left his wife behind during a road trip, forcing her to walk over 12 miles (19.31 km). According to a New York Post report, Boontom Chaimoon, 55, and his wife, Amnuay Chaimoon, 49, took a road trip on Sunday to spend the holidays in her hometown in the Maha Sarakham Province. The couple was having a nice time together until the husband felt the need to relieve himself. He parked his car by the roadside at 3 am to take a quick toilet break.

Meanwhile, with no public toilets around, the woman also stepped out of the car and ventured into a nearby jungle to pee. However, the man did not notice her getting out of the vehicle. When she returned, there was no sight of the car or her husband. She soon realised her husband had left without her, leaving her stranded. More so, she did not have her mobile phone with her as it was kept in a bag inside the car. Since it was dark, the woman was extremely scared and confused, but she decided to walk to seek help.

She walked about 20 km (approximately 12.4 miles) and reached the district of Kabin Buri by 5 am. Thankfully, she was able to contact the local police who asked her to ring her husband. Since she did not remember her husband's mobile number, she dialed her own number at least 20 times but did not receive any response. 

At around 8 am, she was able to contact her husband with the help of cops. All this while, the husband had no clue that his wife was not in the car, and was under the impression that she was soundly asleep in the backseat. By that time, he had driven all the way to Korat province, 159.6 km (100 miles) away, according to Thailand news site Daily News.

When he realized what transpired, he quickly turned around to drive back to pick up his spouse. He was extremely sorry about his action and apologized to his wife profusely. Turns out, even after going through such an ordeal, the woman did not argue with him when he picked her up. The woman revealed that they have been married for the last 27 years and have a son who is 26 years old.

from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/YIkM2QJ